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California Pesticide Information Portal (CalPIP) Application

PUR Database Column Definitions

The descriptions below will help you decide which columns to select from the Available Data Columns list on the Format Output page. The columns are shown in the same order as in the Available Data Columns list.

PUR database column definitions
YEAR Calendar year when the pesticide application was made.
APPLICATION_MONTH Month when the pesticide application was made. Formatted as text (e.g. JANUARY, DECEMBER).
MONTH_IN_YEAR Month when the pesticide application was made. Formatted as a number (e.g. 1, 2, 3...12) This column is best used to sort the data by application month.
DATE Calendar date of the pesticide application.
COUNTY_NAME Name of the county where the pesticide application was made; UNKNOWN is used for missing values or reporting errors.
COMTRS County, meridian, township, range, section of the Public Lands Survey mapping system. Production agriculture use report records have a COMTRS value; Non-agricultural pesticide use reports do not have this data because they are reported on a county basis. This column can be chosen to show application information on the finest spatial scale.
SITE_NAME Identifies the site or commodity where a pesticide product was applied (i.e. strawberries, tomatoes, landscape maintenance, etc.).
CHEMICAL_NAME The preferred common chemical name. Usually the name is assigned by the USEPA, or another accepted name is used.
POUNDS_CHEMICAL_APPLIED Pounds of chemical active ingredient applied. This value is calculated using the pounds of product applied and the percentage of chemical active ingredient in the product.
PRODUCT_NAME The name of the pesticide product as shown on the label. The name on the label may be modified by DPR Registration Branch to ensure uniqueness.
REGISTRATION_NUMBER Use this column to correlate data with DPR’s label database or USEPA’s product registration information. Each pesticide product is identified by a four-part California Registration Number. The fields making up this number are:
MFG_FIRMNO ( Manufacturer_firmno) , LABEL_SEQ_NO (label_sequence_number ), REVISION_NO (revision_number), and REG_FIRMNO (registration_firm_number). The product registration number usually does not appear on the product label in this format; it may appear only as the first two of the four parts. The first two (MFG_FIRMNO, LABEL_SEQ_NO) are usually assigned by the US EPA. These fields represent the US EPA number for the company (MFG_FIRMNO) and a product sequence within the company (LABEL_SEQ_NO). California appends a revision code (REVISION_NO) to the EPA code to identify modifications to product labels throughout the span of the product’s registration. An additional field (REG_FIRMNO) is used to identify the firm actually registering the product in California.
PRODUCT_NUMBER System assigned product number, used internally in the database and by DPR staff. The number is sequentially assigned during new product registration. The product_number has a one-to-one relationship to the four-part key composed of: Manufacturer_firmno + label_sequence_number + revision_number + registration_firm_number (AKA California Registration Number) as reported.
POUNDS_PRODUCT_APPLIED Pounds of product applied. See Known Issues.
PRODUCT_CHEMICAL_PERCENT   The percentage of active ingredient found in the product as shown on the product label.
AMOUNT_PRODUCT_APPLIED Numeric value of the amount product applied (e.g. 5) If this column is selected you should also select the unit_product_applied column to get the appropriate units. Note, this value has not been standardized or converted to pounds of product applied. See Known Issues.
UNITS_PRODUCT_APPLIED Descriptive unit of measure of amount product applied. (e.g. ounces) This column should be selected with the amount_product_applied column to show the unit of measure.
UNIT_PRODUCT_APPLIED Abbreviated / coded unit of measure of amount product applied. (e.g. OZ, GA) This column may be selected instead of the units_product_applied column if you are familiar with DPR's abbreviations.
AMOUNT_PLANTED Numeric value of the amount of commodity planted (e.g. 100). If this column is selected, you should also select the unit_planted column to get the appropriate units.
UNIT_PLANTED_DESCRIPTION Descriptive unit of measure of the amount planted (e.g. acres, square feet, etc.) This column should be selected with the amount_planted column to show the unit of measure.
UNIT_PLANTED Abbreviated / coded unit of measure of the amount planted (e.g. A, S, etc.) This column may be selected instead of the unit_planted_description column if you are familiar with DPR's abbreviations.
AMOUNT_TREATED Numeric value of the amount treated (e.g. 50). If this column is selected, you should also select the unit_treated column to get the appropriate units.
UNIT_TREATED_DESCRIPTION Descriptive unit of measure of the amount treated (e.g. acres, tons, cubic feet, etc). This column should be selected with the amount_treated to show the unit of measure.
UNIT_TREATED Abbreviated / coded unit of measure of the amount treated (e.g. A, T, C, etc) This column may be selected instead of the unit_treated_description column if you are familiar with DPR's abbreviations.
OUTLIER Flag = YES if the record has been identified as a statistical outlier. Methods for identifying statistical outliers (PDF, 12 kb)
AERIAL_GROUND_DESCRIPTION Also known as the Air/Ground Application Flag, or Method of Application. Description (AERIAL, GROUND) indicates whether the product was applied by air or ground equipment.
AERIAL_GROUND_INDICATOR Also known as the Air/Ground Application Flag, or Method of Application. Code (A or G) indicates whether the product was applied by air or ground equipment.
AG_NONAG Production agricultural / Non-agricultural use description. Production agricultural (ag.) reports include applications of pesticides to growing crops, agricultural fields, and most applications to forest trees and ornamental turf. These reports include the application date and location to the section (MTRS). Non-agricultural (non-ag) reports include applications or pesticides to post-harvest commodity treatments, rights of ways, landscapes, structural use, and other non-agricultural uses by commercial applicators. These reports include an application month and application county. There is no application date or section (MTRS) for non-ag data.
USE_NUMBER Sequential number to uniquely identify a pesticide product use record within a year. Use this number to identify all records associated with a single application of a product.
QUALIFY_CODE The qualifier code modifies or limits the meaning of the site code upon which the product was used. Example: a qualify_code of <04> indicates "grown for seed". Some counties use this code to keep more detailed records of crop types or varieties, but it is not a required field on the pesticide use report.
COUNTY_CODE Numeric code for alphabetized list of counties (e.g. 01, 02, 03...56); includes codes for unknown or error values.
SITE_CODE Site code from a list established by USEPA and modified for use by DPR. Indicates the target site to which a pesticide was applied. Also known as Commodity Code, crop code, use code. This code does not refer to the spatial location of a pesticide application (e.g. a field). The Site Code is shortened, meaning less than the USEPA code. Sometimes the Site Code is a specific pest or type of use if a "special" registration is involved.
CHEMICAL_CODE A unique number assigned to each chemical in the DPR Chemical dictionary. Chemicals do NOT have to be active ingredients in products, they may be inerts, degradation products, or others as requested by any branch in the department. The chemical_code is a proprietary code created by DPR. It is not necessarily analogous to the USEPA Shaughnessy number (now called PC code.)
RECORD_ID Identifies the agency that input a use record, and whether the record is for an individual application or is summarized data. Input agencies are DPR, county agricultural commissioner's (CAC) office, and Prison Industries Authority (PIA). The record_id is available in CalPIP for compatibility with previously requested data sets. Uncoded information about the use record can be found in the reporting_type column. The input agency data is not currently available through CalPIP.
GROWER_ID Number assigned to a grower or operator by the County Agricultural Commissioner. The value has significance to the restricted materials permit program, and 100% Use Reporting. Also known as the permit number, or operator identification number. The number is composed of: (a) reporting county_cd, two digits representing the county where the pesticide application occurred; (b) permit_year, the last two digits of the year when the permit was issued or expires, depending on how the county chooses report in this data field; (c) permitting county_cd, two digits representing the county that originally issued the permit; and (d) permit number, an arbitrary five-digit number assigned to the permit. The last seven digits of the grower_id may be used to identify individual permittees. DPR does not collect names and addresses of growers or permittees; that information is only available from the County Agricultural Commissioner. The GROWER_ID + SITE_LOCATION_ID may identify unique agricultural parcels or fields. The reporting county_cd (a) and the permit_year (b) are available as separate data columns, permitting_county_name and permit_year, respectively (see below).
LICENSE_NUMBER PCO (pest control operator) license number. (Required for type "C" records only...needed if GROWER_ID field is blank.)
PERMITTING_COUNTY_NAME County name of the county that originally issued the restricted materials permit.
PERMIT_YEAR Either the calendar year when the restricted materials permit or operator id was issued, or the year the permit expires. Inconsistently used among the counties.
PERMIT_NUMBER An arbitrary five-digit number assigned to the restricted materials permit.
PLANTING_SEQUENCE Number to indicate multiple plantings of the same crop or commodity at the same site location_id. Not uniformly used.
SITE_LOCATION_ID A code assigned by the County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) on the use permit which indicates a particular location (field) where an application may occur. It was designed to uniquely identify geographic field locations, but is currently assigned at the discretion of individual CACs and growers.

Version 2024.01 (2022 PUR Data Update)