Other Criteria Query Information
Pesticide use reports are classified as Ag or NonAg based on both the site or situation of use and the user. The classification is based on California’s legal definitions of production agriculture, non-production agriculture, and non-agriculture. However, for pesticide use report purposes, these three categories are grouped into two: production agriculture is labeled as Ag, while non-production agriculture and non-agriculture pesticide use reports are labeled as NonAg. The reason for these groupings are due to the types of information that are collected:
Ag pesticide use reports (production agriculture) include very detailed information, including the date, time, and 1x1 square mile section where the application took place. Each pesticide use record equals a single application.
NonAg pesticide use reports (non-production agriculture and non-agricultural applications) are monthly summaries of all the applications of a single pesticide product. They only include the month and county where the applications took place. They often do not include any measure of area, such as acreage.
Examples of pesticide use reports classified as Ag (production agriculture only):
- Apiaries
- Aquaculture
- Christmas tree production
- Crop production (orchards, groves, fields)
- Crops grown for seed
- Drying product in the field
- Egg production
- Feed and forage
- Flowers (cut and sold)
- Forests/timber production
- Greenhouse/nursery/mushroom production
- Milk production
- Post-harvest commodity treatment on the farm
- Poultry production (meat/eggs)
- Preplant soil treatments
- Rangeland and pasture
- Research (production)
- Tree hole fumigation
- Turf (grown for sod)
- Washing produce in the field
Examples of pesticide use reports classified as NonAg (non-production agriculture and non-agriculture):
- Cemeteries
- Ditches and ditch banks (may appear as crop name)
- Drip lines
- Egg handling equipment (on farms)
- Farm roads
- Field borders and headlands
- Golf courses
- Greenbelts
- Greenhouse/nursery/mushroom operations (outside general weeds and pests, as well as pest control within alley ways and other interior areas)
- Groundwater recharge ponds
- Highway medians
- Irrigation canals
- Parks
- Railroad shoulders
- Recreation areas
- Reservoirs
- Roadsides
- Rights-of-way
- Structural
- Landscape Maintenance
- Public health – Vector control
Version 2024.01 (2022 PUR Data Update)