Management Practices for Engineered Rights of Way Within Leaching or Runoff Ground Water Protection Areas

Select one of the following four options:

   (1) One of the management practice options for runoff GWPAs; or

   (2) Any runoff shall pass through a non-crop fully vegetated area adjacent and equal in area to the treated area; or

   (3) The property operator shall comply with any permit issued pursuant to the storm water provisions of the federal Clean Water Act pertaining to the treated area; or

   (4) An alternative management practice or pesticide approved by the Director as follows (check with the County Agricultural Commissioner) to see if either of these apply):

         (a) Upon written request, the Director may evaluate and approve use of alternative mitigation measures that are based on scientific data demonstrating their effectiveness in reducing movement of pesticides to ground water; or

         (b) Upon written request, the Director may make a determination to allow the interim use of a pesticide containing a chemical listed in section 6800(a) within a ground water protection area, for a period not to exceed three years. The Director's determination shall be based on evidence that the available mitigation measures are not feasible for a specific crop or site, and that there are no feasible alternatives for the specific crop or site. The formal request shall include a study protocol(s) that is acceptable to the Director to develop feasible alternatives or alternate mitigation measures.

Return to:

     Identifying Ground Water Protection Areas

     Section 6800a Pesticides

     Definition of Engineered Rights of Way

     Management Practices For Leaching GWPAS - Excluding Engineered Rights of Way

     Management Practices For Runoff GWPAS - Excluding Engineered Rights of Way